Image Reports

Jordi Ribaudí Has Designed The Babu Chair
Spanish designer Jordi Ribaudí has created a sculptural chair, that`s inspired by the great journeys of the desert tribes, during which men feel close to the earth, Babu is a spot for relaxation and meditation, a place to rest, a shelter.
Ted Stamm: Woosters
Lisson Gallery presents the first exhibition of Ted Stamm`s work at Lisson Gallery New York, featuring paintings, works on paper, archival material and photographs from the artist`s "Wooster" series.
Christopher Le Brun: New Painting
Christopher Le Brun`s first exhibition with Lisson Gallery features a new series of abstractions created over the past two years, culminating in a number of large-scale paintings, some light in touch and some involving dense accretions of colour and gesture. These works represent
The last days of summer bring a great selection of newly available works by Christopher H. Martin, Michael Enn Sirvet and Brandon Reese. These works are exuberant, elegant and dynamic, featuring a cooling and refreshing palette.
Richard Long: Circle to Circle
Richard Long`s latest exhibition in London, Circle to Circle, is loosely themed around the different uses of the circular motif across his practice. At the centre of the exhibition is a new floor-based stone circle, Flint Wheel (2018).
Pedro Reyes: Glyptotek
artsy_ For his first London exhibition since the acclaimed ‘Disarm’ in 2013, Pedro Reyes returns with a fictional, pan-historical museum of sculpture, or a glyptotek, from the ancient Greek term for a cache of classic statuary. As well as a meditation on art history, these works explor
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