
NEWH Green Voice Design Competition 2018-2019
The NEWH Green Voice Design Competition provides students with the opportunity to showcase their design skills while utilizing the very best in sustainable design products and practices.
Nelimarkka Residency´s call for artists in May
the Nelimarkka Residency carries out artist Eero Nelimarkka`s long-term dream of establishing an art school. The residency is located in a rural setting, four kilometres from the small Alajärvi Centre, close to a lake and natural surroundings. Circa 10 artists live and work at the residency annually.
Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge 2018-2019
The Stanford Center on Longevity invites university students from around the world to participate in its sixth annual Design Challenge. This year’s contest challenges teams to create solutions for "Contributing at Every Age: Designing for Intergenerational Impact."
MCA 2018 – Montelupo Ceramic Award
Montelupo Ceramic Award (MCA) is a new international competition to produce a ceramic artifacts during an on-site residency close to Florence, Italy.
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Total Calls: 211